The timeline makes sense, as unveiled the final developer preview of Android 7.1 on Nov. 22. Security patches are usually in the early part of the month, the timeline of a few weeks to finalize the Nougat release is consistent with ’s previous statements about the schedule.



Such updates usually come in waves that take about two weeks to reach everyone. So if you have a Nexus 6

5X, 6, 9,

. y this matters: Android 7.1 has a lot of cool, new features that will make your Nexus more delightful to use. has made good on the promise to bring some of the latest xel features (sans the Assistant custom launcher) to the last generation of devices, which may keep some of the hardcore Nexus fans happy for now. But the future is clearly the xel, so if you crave the absolute latest from then at some point you may wish to upgrade.