The limited warranty includes the owners’ rights though the privileges vary depending on the state or province. One of the rights Tesla accords to its users is the transferable rights of the car and the limited warranty. The limited warranty includes the replacement and repair of the tires by Tesla, which after that becomes the sole property of Tesla unless the law states otherwise. 

Tesla has the discretion to choose whether to repair, recondition, or remanufacture the tires. Tesla offers free repair and replacement if notified of the damages within a reasonable warranty period.

Which Tesla’s Limited Warranty Covers the Tires?

The basic vehicle limited warranty covers the breakdown of any vehicle part that Tesla manufactures or produces. The warranty is for 4 years or 50000 miles, whichever succeeds the other.  

Warranty Limitations

The warranty excludes reasonable wear and tear, damages resulting from negligence, failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and accidents. Such exclusions include:

If you fail to repair your vehicle when you notice damage that is covered in the limited warranty. Failure to take your tires for repair in a facility or to a person unacknowledged by Tesla. Cases of theft, and riot. Overloading the vehicle. Driving the vehicle on poorly maintained roads that have potholes, debris, rough roads, or engaging in racing competitions. If the damage is an act of God, such as exposure to extreme temperatures, chemicals where stone chips crack it, and other environmental damages. Using materials that are non-Tesla that cause corrosions and hole the tires.  Damages by external materials such as stone chips that perforate the tires. Damages that result from installing fake Tesla accessories or parts. Non tesla tires which have their own terms and conditions. Maintenance services such as appearance care, wheel balancing and alignment, and replaceable maintenance items.

Voided Warranty

Tesla expects the owner to service and maintain the car at a Tesla repair facility or one that Tesla recognizes as credible. Tesla may void a limited warranty if another facility or a person repairs, services, and damages the car parts. To avoid canceling your warranty, ensure that the repairs are made in a Tesla stationary or in a stationary authorized by Tesla.

Warranties are void if:

An insurance company deems a vehicle as irreparable.  If insurance finds it difficult to determine the actual mileage because its VIN has been distorted or because of a disconnection, it is hard to conclude the VIN. Owners ObligationsYou should update the vehicle’s software upon notification that there is an update.  By paying all taxes that are required. Complying with all of the manufacturer’s recommendations on the car’s maintenance. Being within the specified load limit. Repairing the car.

Obtaining Warranty Services

Have a look at Tesla’s website at to identify the nearest location to take your car for repair. Warranty service is valid if it is within the applicable warranty period, except for a cancelled warranty for failing to adhere to the company’s guidance.

Additionally, you must notify the company of the damages and take the car to their station at your expense unless the car requires towing services. It would be best to give the company reasonable time to work on your repairs within the regular business hours. 

What is needed when obtaining a warranty?

You need to provide the company with the vehicle’s identification number, the current mileage, and the type of damage.  

USA: Tesla resolves to settle disputes through arbitration for citizens residing in the USA. The judge uses the warranty enforcement laws and dispute resolution section as a guide.

You can disagree with the arbitration procedure within 30 days after signing the arbitration agreement through a sent letter to Tesla. The letter includes your identity, the vehicle number, and your reasons to disagree with the arbitration terms. 

If you opt for arbitration, address any disputes and disagreements to If Tesla does not resolve the issue within 60 days, then a judge resolves the dispute at the expense of Tesla. However, the judge can only resolve cases between you and Tesla and not join cases by a 3rd party. The judge can only resolve unenforceable claims if the court determines the case as unenforceable.

The National Center for Dispute Settlement, used in the US, applies in the US only. The NCDS does not arbitrate vehicles used for commercial purposes unless the state law covers such vehicles. Depending on the state, a file for arbitration is made within 60 days or 6 months.

Canada: Canada’s dispute settlement program is the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Program. The program is flexible to change at any time without prior warning.

Does Tesla Void Warranties if the Owner doesn’t Service their Car?

No. Failure to service your car doesn’t void your warranty. A warranty is only affected if Tesla notifies you that your car requires services and you ignore the message, which results in further damage to your car.

Do you have to Repair your Vehicle at a Tesla Station?

Tesla recommends taking your vehicle to their station for any repairs and servicing. The company has made it easier with remote diagnostics and online support from its technicians. The warranty may be affected if any damage occurs when repairing your car at a non-Tesla station. 

Bonus Points

Tesla can only repair or maintain cars and body parts with defects from regular use. However, Tesla does not cover the slow wear and tear that inevitably happens over time. Therefore, ensure that you follow the car manual’s instructions and fulfill your obligations to avoid canceling your warranty.