Telegram is a popular messaging platform known for its security features. Telegram has announced a slew of new features. The “Group Video Calls 2.0” feature allows up to 30 participants to host a video show with up to 1000 spectators. On a lighter note, Telegram says it will increase the limit until “all humans on earth can join one group call.”

Starting with Group Video Calls 2.0, circular videos will now be available in higher resolution. Furthermore, tapping the message will expand the video. While playing, you can scrub through the video clip. Telegram now lets you record voice messages without pausing background audio. In other words, you can sing along your favorite songs while recording the same. The new playback feature on Telegram lets you watch videos at 0.5x, 1.5x, or 2x speed. On Android, you can slow down video playback to 0.2x. Telegram now lets you share the screen with audio via 1-on-1 video calls. Auto-delete interval lets you set a specific time frame for which you want to delete messages. For instance, you can set Telegram to delete all the messages after 15 days of receiving them. This way, you don’t have to scrub through every message and delete it. New image editing options mean you can draw on images before sharing them with a group. Telegram has added a bunch of new animations. These pop up on the passcode screen and also when you add messages to a chat. The new recover password option lets you reset passwords even if you don’t have a recovery password. You get new animated emojis like dance emoji, fist bump, broken heart, and sad face. Lastly, you can select multiple chats for bulk actions using two fingers scrolling.