Instant messaging service Telegram has paved the way for rival offerings such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in terms of its features and its unrivaled security. However, one key differentiator that separates Telegram from its competition could soon change. The platform appears to be testing out a paid premium tier that unlocks exclusive features. Telegram has long been the go-to robust IM platform for individuals, communities, and organizations alike. Last year, the platform kicked off efforts to monetize its service using advertisements and additional features geared to cater to high-traffic group channels. Now, the latest beta build of Telegram for iOS suggests the average user could also get access to a handful of exclusive features if they are willing to part with some money for Telegram Premium. It is reasonable to assume the features will eventually make their way to the Android version of the app.

Android Police reports that while testing version 8.72 of the Telegram app, the Telegram Beta channel found a range of emojis and stickers that would be available only to the Telegram Premium users. On the downside, it appears Telegram will only let you use Premium-tier emoji in chats with other paying users. The exclusive emojis will be blocked from the view of free-tier users. Besides these vague details, no information about Telegram Pemium’s pricing or feature set has been revealed. What do you think of Telegram’s premium features and strategy? Tell us in the comments section below.